(Optional) To allow custom Join Before Host time limits, check the Participants can join.If a verification dialog displays, choose Turn On to verify the change.
How to enable join before host for an individual meeting.How to enable join before host for all meetings.You can also enable email notifications when participants join before host. If you do not select join before host, the participants will see a pop up dialog that says "The meeting is waiting for the host to join." If you are the host, there is a login button to login and start the meeting as the host. This can be enabled to allow participants to join anytime before the scheduled start time, or just 5, 10, or 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. If you select this option, then the participants can join the meeting before the host joins or without the host. The allow participants to join before host feature permits attendees to join the meeting before the host joins or when the host cannot attend the meeting.